We are more than a guide service…

Rise Outside exists to create access to the outdoors for underrepresented communities.

We fundraise and partner with mission-aligned organizations to offer free and low-cost programming to groups and individuals. Any profit generated by our traditional guide service also supports these programs.

We offer authentic and welcoming affinity spaces to reduce social barriers to the outdoors. We recruit and hire guides who represent the diverse communities we serve and provide our guides with training on creating inclusive spaces.

Want to learn more about what we got up to last year? Check out our impact report below


We currently partner with the following community organizations to provide free or low-cost programming and/or affinity programming: Brown Girls Climb, Kinship Climbing Collective, Flash Foxy, New York City Climbing Collective, Laru Beya Collective, Asian Climbing Tribe, BIPOC Climbing Collective, First Descents, and many more. If you are involved in an organization that aligns with our mission and would like to explore a partnership, please fill out form below!

Interested in partnering with us?

Rock & Snow’s Beau Johnson Memorial Scholarship

Every year, Rise Outside guides provide 6 days of one-on-one private guiding to the two recipients of the annual Beau Johnson Memorial Scholarship funded by Rock & Snow. This significant personalized instruction and mentorship is designed to support and empower local community leaders who will use those skills to provide climbing access and experiences to their communities. Applications are processed through Rock & Snow.