We are partnering with accepted candidates to raise funds to offer this exam 100% free of charge. If you are interested in this exam, please apply by clicking the button below.
SPI Exam for Underrepresented Communities: 4/3-4/4
Have you taken your SPI Course and are ready to take your exam? Sean Taft Morales will be offering an SPI exam for underrepresented communities in the Gunks. A certified Rock Instructor and Single Pitch Instructor, as well as a SPI Program Provider, Sean is committed to setting the highest standards in climbing education in a supportive, inclusive, and community-focused environment. Come test in a supportive environment!
Identify as from an underrepresented community
Current member of the AMGA.
You have successfully completed an AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Course within the past 2 years.
You have led a minimum of 40 traditional routes, most of which should be 5.6 and on a variety of rock types.
You are able to comfortably lead 5.6 traditional routes, which means you place protection.
You are able to comfortably climb 5.8 on top rope.